Friday, May 14, 2004

The Big Picture

"Whining is anger coming out of a small hole" according to Al Franken
I hear a lot of whining everywhere I turn. All bits and pieces of a larger picture.
All the wrongs that scare us to death.
Here is my analysis about the whole political situation plaguing our society. This is not about being democrat or republican; it's a lot more serious.
The Big Picture.
There are two known forms of dictatorships: communism and fascism. I lived in the former and studied the latter. I also studied Dialectic Materialism mandatory in a communist regime.
Communism by definition is the tool by which the government owns all businesses. That gives the government the power and the means to control the masses through holding all material assets necessary for the survival of it's citizens, while the appointed representatives of the government enjoy a lavish life.
Fascism is exactly the opposite; Under fascism the big business virtually owns the government. How is that possible? By forming a capitalist oligarchy - an alliance of big business that takes over a political party; financing, buying, coercing elections; controlling  the media, the economic assets of the society, it's representation in government and privatizing all agencies of the government. For the capitalists within the alliance, privatization of government agencies is a great source of revenue without competition or bidding process. It's like "wolves guarding the sheep"
This is what's happening in our time. A big business alliance formed during the Clinton years. (the so called "right-wing conspiracy" slated by Hillary Clinton). With the help of NRA and evangelists like Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson they organized at grass-roots level in the southern states (more sympathetic to their cause and easier to manipulate due to their religious affiliations). They adopted one-liner slogans targeting the "simple minded" about patriotism, defining all liberal views as "unamerican" and "unpatriotic"
The oligarchy included religious corporations (the evangelists), broadcasting corporations, drug and managed health care companies, energy providing companies (Enron,) big oil companies (Haliburton) etc.
These corporations control all or most assets of the society necessary for everyday living: health, information, electricity. heat etc. When they consolidated their position within the political party (appointing a former business lobbyist as RNC chairman) the Oligarchy financed, bought, and coerced elections in all branches of government.
Today they control all branches of the government; the executive branch, (the presidency), the legislative branch (senate, house of representative), judiciary branch (supreme court, circuit courts etc.)....they own all major broadcasting stations, manipulate information to their advantage, own delivery of health care through drugs and managed health care corporations. It's called  disabling the "checks and balances" conceived by our forefathers.
George W. Bush never wanted, or dared to dream of becoming president. It's futile to call him all kind of names. He is a simple minded man, an ex addict that joined a new radical religion as most former addicts do. He was hand picked by the oligarchy formed  during the Clinton years. The reason is, he had name recognition, he is a likable guy and loyal subject of the oligarchy. He was groomed, scripted and taught one-liner, tough guy slogans like "bring it on", "dead or alive". "staying the course", creating this image of "macho" "the warrior" and even building the ranch at Crawford Texas in 2000 to make him look like "the guy next door". A horse-ranch without horses? He is afraid of horses. No macho-ism there. He is just a "figurehead" for the oligarchy.

John McCain, a truly popular guy, naively ran against George W. Bush in 2000, not knowing that he was pitted against a well organized political machine. The Oligarchy has decided to make George W. Bush president. They politically murdered John McCain, insinuating that he was a collaborator in Vietnam, then after they lost the election, spent $13 million on legal fees and who knows what, to stop the vote recount in Florida. They were fined $90,000 by the IRS for not disclosing that spending. A slap on the wrist!

A year ago, I voiced my opinion that this country is marching fast toward dictatorship, and people looked at me like I was crazy. Now, the writing is on the wall.

More on this on my next dissertation. "Symptoms of Dictatorship"