Thursday, July 01, 2004

Neocons are Liars

The Rude Pundit today exhibited so eloquently the philosophy of the " lie".
That is acceptable for normal people or more for the "simple minded" as the neocons would interpret it with a straight face, even smiling coyly .

I just couldn't let go and had to do my own dissertation on this subject. I traveled back in time to the Ancient Greeks to bring forward some of their wisdom.
I found Epimenides coming to the rescue of the neocons.

Here it goes; Let's say that I am a neocon. Remember, this is a hypothesis. I do not associate with that notion. Here is the analysis:
1. I am a neocon.
2. I state: "all neocons are liars"
3. Since I am a neocon, I am a liar also.
4. If I am a liar, what I just stated is false.
5. If my statement that "all neocons are liars" is false, the opposite of the statement is true.
6. That means "all neocons are not liars" They are rather truthful.
7. Since I am a neocon, I am also truthful. So, I spoke the truth.
8. If I speak the truth my statement "all neocons are liars" is a true statement.

And on and on...

What is really outrageous the silence of the people, the statesmen, the politicians, the opposition, the moral majority, the religious organizations, the Vatican...
We just lost our innocence. Lying will become an acceptable norm and humanity will descend slowly toward anarchy.