The Emperor's Nakedness.
With all the bad rap the New York Times got, thanks to one reporter, named Judith Miller, the New York Times encompasses the most serious political commentators. Experienced journalism that can sort through the events overwhelming the populace.
One of the distinguished op-ed writers at NYT is Paul Krugman.
I came across a NYT column written by Paul Krugman dissecting the clothing of the Emperor.
The Rove political machine created the image of Chimpy as tough, decisive leader, a wartime president unleashing the shills and war enthusiastic crowd to portray him as an inspiring patriot. Also at the first Inauguration, by promising the restoration of morals and ethics to the "Clinton blemished" image of the White House. That set the bar high as a highly ethical and moral leader
Paul Krugman deconstructs all the myths surrounding this president.
•Katrina took away the tough, decisive leader, a wartime president image.
•The Plamegate unmasked the fact that he is not an an inspiring patriot
•The Libby indictments and the gray surrounding the case dispelled the myth of highly ethical and moral leader
That leaves the our leader naked, for who he is, a bumbling, awkward, ignorant, less than average human being, but you should read for yourself how eloquently Paul Krugman deconstructs our sorry ass president.
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