Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Connecting the Dots

If you watched Patrick Fitzgerald's press conference on friday, you probably missed a very important information coming out of that press conference.

He used the "baseball" analogy to describe the lack of evidence to indict on the original crime of "the outing of a CIA agent with covert status". "If someone throws sand in the umpire's eye, or blocks his view from seeing the facts, the umpire can't determine whether it was intentional or not"

What was more important his statement regarding the fact that Scooter Libby lied to him and the Grand Jury. Had Libby told him the truth, "we would have been here in October 2004 instead of October 2005."

That means, if we'd knew this in october 2004 Bush would not have been elected as President.

For all those pundits, showing puzzlement about the stupidity of Libby for not telling the truth, think again. Libby deliberately lied to postpone the outcome of the Special Counsel's investigation to after the presidential election.

Read E.J. Dionne at Washington Post connecting the dots