Things to consider on November 2nd
Most Americans are missing the point about this election. This is not about Liberal or Right Wing, it's not about Democrat or Republican. This is not "the super bowl" where we take sides with teams out of unreasonable and emotional loyalties. This is the battle of our lives. Our last chance to save our freedom and democracy. The battle is greater than most of us see.
Here is my perspective of America with another 4 years of the Bush Administration:
1. The loss the moral fiber of this country, where lie means truth, war means peace, misery equals prosperity, fair and balanced is sewer sludge, fascism means liberty, dictatorship means democracy and where lie becomes the norm that people live by.
2. Media consolidation in the hands of a few (right now 6 individuals control all the news in this country) which will take us down on an Orwellian path slowly, distorting and manipulating the news to accommodate power and ultimately lose our democracy.
3. There will be 3 vacancies on the Supreme Court in the next 4 years. If they appoint right wing judges to this body then we can kiss our freedom goodbye. Can you imagine the changes coming to our Constitution to strengthen the hands of a few? Or other Patriot Acts much more hostile to the people?
4. Big Business takes over our money and lives through continuing deregulation, making us dependent on Corporations like Walmart, Home Depot, Enron, Haliburton. Every time I walk into Walmart it reminds me of the Department Stores owned by the Communist States ( I lived in a Commie Country) where the employees are dumb, unqualified, and rude, because they are the lowest paid and the store managers don't give a rat's ass about the quality of their service, since they already put the mom and pop stores out of business and all Main Street store competition.
5. Lowering our standards of living slowly will push the working force to a 10-12 hour workday to make ends meet. That's what happened in the 1920's Corporatist America, giving birth to organized labor to fight back the corporations (thank God for The Wagner Act and FDR for trying to offset the power of corporations)
6. There is no question about the fact that we're going to have a draft, regardless of what you hear from Bush. He can promise anything now to get re-(s)elected because he doesn't have to keep his word. How else can he embark on a hawkish, war mongering path? The war is imperiously necessary to fuel a fascist ideology. ( The Troops !!! The Sacred Cow!!!)
7. Introduction of religious influence in our Government will turn this Country into a religious-fascist-fundamentalist State where moral and political dissent will not be tolerated. Reversal of Rowe vs. Wade, Constitutional ban on gay marriage, rewriting the 1st Amendment, the 5th Amendment and many other inconvenient Amendments to the ruling power.
8. Turn the country into a one political party system, the ultimate destruction of democracy.
Now, there are a few things to reflect on and consider before we pull the lever on November 2nd. I am dead serious about this.
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