Sunday, October 24, 2004

The "Shadow Presidency of John Kerry 2001-2004"

Karl Rove, the neocons, George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney are trying to make you believe that when certain (negative) things happened during their reign, the principal culprit was John Kerry.

You would say that George W. Bush is the unluckiest president of modern time. Now all the bad news is not as random as you may think. Popular wisdom suggests that "we are the crafters of our own happiness", or you may say that our own actions may bring our downfall. Another wisdom saying spells "if you live by the sword, you die by the sword". The latter is more representative of the above "clique". Cockiness also spells trouble for most humans (i.e.: Bill O'Reilly)

The Bush administration went down a fantasy path ignoring facts, warnings, expert advice and common sense regarding the running of the country. Utopia, is the closest term to define their philosophy. Utopia is defined as a social philosophy that is not compatible with human nature and is not implementable in real life. Since their utopian vision and subsequently utopian actions, the coming of bad news were unavoidable. Results come based on the fallibility of the underlying philosophy.

While the Bush Administration was busy giving tax breaks to the wealthy, tax breaks to big corporations, deregulating industries to favor big business, privatizing public schools, prisons and the armed forces, giving no bid contracts to corporations which are political supporters, withdrawing from Global Warming Treaty, IBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) Treaty, ignoring all the national issues regarding it's citizens, ignoring all intelligence warnings about terrorist threats, invading the sovereign country of Iraq under false and manipulated pretenses, they could not stop the developments of failures as a result of it's policies.

Here comes "The Shadow Presidency of John Kerry" and the blame goes like this:
1. The failure to prevent 9/11 is John Kerry's, because in the 90's John Kerry proposed a $6 billion cut in the intelligence budget. (that bill has not passed in Congress, rather the Porter Guss' bill, supported by Dick Cheney, much larger than the bill proposed previously).

2. Invading Iraq is John Kerry's fault since he voted for the war resolution.

3. The high casualties of war due to the improperly armored troops happened due to John Kerry's vote against the $87 billion funding of the war. They don't mention that the bill passed regardless of Kerry's protest vote, yet the troops are not properly armored today.

4. The failed policy of the war in Iraq and the increase of the insurgency is a result of Kerry's pessimistic view of the war that aids the enemy.

5. The increase of the gasoline price is the result of Kerry's vote to increase the tax on gasoline.

6. The loss of jobs in this country by outsourcing is the result of Kerry's vote in favor of NAFTA, WTO etc.

7. The high cost of health care is due to Kerry's support of malpractice laws and his siding with the lawyers.

8. The flu-vaccine shortage is Kerry's fault since he sided with the litigators instead of the pharmaceutical corporations and failed to propose a bill in Congress to solve the supply and demand issues.

9. Kerry's failure to introduce a bill in favor of renewing the assault weapons ban makes our streets more dangerous.

10. The slide into poverty of about 4 million people is caused by Kerry's vote against tax relief for the wealthy, preventing any trickle down to the poor.

11. Kerry's protesting the war in Vietnam caused this country 58,000 casualties and the loss of that very war.

12. And finally Kerry bears the responsibility for at least three out of four hurricanes hitting Florida this year, because he is a flip-flopper.

So, on november 2nd make sure to vote and sentence Kerry to death.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

My Letter to John Kerry

Dear Senator,

In reference to the controversy regarding You mentioning Dick Cheney's daughter's sexual orientation
the following should be said:

We, the Democratic Party, stand and fight to dispel all prejudice regarding the sexual orientation of citizens
in this Country, that in the future nobody will be ashamed of his/her sexual orientation or their children.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Republican Party, Highjacked

I've been a Democrat all my life. Not necessarily by affiliation; more by conviction.

Political affiliation is relative, unless you belong (sold your soul) to a party. This is the issue I want to discuss; Democrats are progressive minded people that don't need an entity to tell them how to vote. We can make up our own mind how to vote, or educate other people about the realities of our times. Often the ranks of people who vote Democratic swells depending on the issues facing the country and the reaction of the political leadership at the helm. That makes this party a skeleton organization ready to lose or gain affiliates.

My belief is always that this greatest democracy on earth is possible because of the two party system conceived before our time. The forefathers have seen all the pitfalls threatening to undo a democratic system, so they set some rules, checks and balances that move this country ahead without endangering it's own device.

I stood silent as political parties changed at the helm of the country; Democrat, Republican, Democrat and Republican again, each one trying to correct the perils of the other; when the Democrats moved the wealth too much to the left paralyzing the country by social issues, the people made their point of electing next a Republican government that will shift the wealth to the right, slowing down the socialistic tendencies of the government. When the Republicans in power emptied the treasury giving it away to their cronies, people would vote them out of the office and restore social fairness. This system worked for over two hundred years without pitting brother against brother,

This is the first time I am being vocal in my consternation of what's going on.

What is happening is beyond the comprehension of most decent citizens of this country. I always respected a political party that bases it's policies on a just philosophy. It was time to go back and check the Republican philosophy. It's been a time since I last checked on it. My memory was playing tricks, or perhaps the events du jour were just too weird.

There are no fundamental differences between the two philosophies; both are born out of a democratic system and intimately tied to the precepts of capitalism. At the base stands capitalism as a natural evolution of society based on individuals desire to be free in their decision to work and pursue happiness.

Here is the Republican philosophy:

I believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

I believe in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.

I believe free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

I believe government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

I believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which which governs least.

I believe the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.

I believe Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

I believe Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

Finally, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

You would think, that they're not far from what you and I stand for and the differences used to be only the methods to achieve these goals.

What is happening now is that the Republican Party has been infiltrated by a new breed of right-wing neo-conservative groups together with wealthy corporate executives and extreme-right religious organizations. They highjacked the Republican Party to promulgate their agenda of squandering the national wealth, stealing the treasury and awarding government contracts without bidding, to their cronies and grab as much as they can before their time runs out.

For any fascist government the best tool is the war used to distract attention from all these secret deals by which they reward the "believers", the cronies of a new class of elite- the "have mores". The war also helps them to fool the masses by arousing a false patriotism, and dispatch them to intimidate others and slowly take over the country by discouraging voter participation in elections and even rig elections.

I refuse to believe that good Republicans stand for what's happening to this country. But even the good Republicans are manipulated within their own party to support the leader no matter what and discourage them from dissent.

The unraveling has started and will go downhill like an avalanche and soon those good Republicans will stand up to the assailants of their party and claim that their love for this country is stronger than loyalty to a political organization. And when that happens it will destroy it's constituency and splinter into smaller political groups.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Florida's Wrong Move

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Former First Lady and Future First Lady

"Laura, have you heard the news that the earth is round?"
"No fuckin' way Teresa..!"

Things to consider on November 2nd

Most Americans are missing the point about this election. This is not about Liberal or Right Wing, it's not about Democrat or Republican. This is not "the super bowl" where we take sides with teams out of unreasonable and emotional loyalties. This is the battle of our lives. Our last chance to save our freedom and democracy. The battle is greater than most of us see.

Here is my perspective of America with another 4 years of the Bush Administration:

1. The loss the moral fiber of this country, where lie means truth, war means peace, misery equals prosperity, fair and balanced is sewer sludge, fascism means liberty, dictatorship means democracy and where lie becomes the norm that people live by.

2. Media consolidation in the hands of a few (right now 6 individuals control all the news in this country) which will take us down on an Orwellian path slowly, distorting and manipulating the news to accommodate power and ultimately lose our democracy.

3. There will be 3 vacancies on the Supreme Court in the next 4 years. If they appoint right wing judges to this body then we can kiss our freedom goodbye. Can you imagine the changes coming to our Constitution to strengthen the hands of a few? Or other Patriot Acts much more hostile to the people?

4. Big Business takes over our money and lives through continuing deregulation, making us dependent on Corporations like Walmart, Home Depot, Enron, Haliburton. Every time I walk into Walmart it reminds me of the Department Stores owned by the Communist States ( I lived in a Commie Country) where the employees are dumb, unqualified, and rude, because they are the lowest paid and the store managers don't give a rat's ass about the quality of their service, since they already put the mom and pop stores out of business and all Main Street store competition.

5. Lowering our standards of living slowly will push the working force to a 10-12 hour workday to make ends meet. That's what happened in the 1920's Corporatist America, giving birth to organized labor to fight back the corporations (thank God for The Wagner Act and FDR for trying to offset the power of corporations)

6. There is no question about the fact that we're going to have a draft, regardless of what you hear from Bush. He can promise anything now to get re-(s)elected because he doesn't have to keep his word. How else can he embark on a hawkish, war mongering path? The war is imperiously necessary to fuel a fascist ideology. ( The Troops !!! The Sacred Cow!!!)

7. Introduction of religious influence in our Government will turn this Country into a religious-fascist-fundamentalist State where moral and political dissent will not be tolerated. Reversal of Rowe vs. Wade, Constitutional ban on gay marriage, rewriting the 1st Amendment, the 5th Amendment and many other inconvenient Amendments to the ruling power.

8. Turn the country into a one political party system, the ultimate destruction of democracy.

Now, there are a few things to reflect on and consider before we pull the lever on November 2nd. I am dead serious about this.